Commissions/ High Value Loans/ Complaints Process

Commission disclosure

We are a Lender in our Own Right. Primarily we Lender our own “In-House” funds. We also have access to other funds & an extensive range of Specialist Lenders for requirements over £500k, or longer terms/periods.

For High Value Project/Lending

Once we have assessed your needs, we will recommend a lender(s) that provides suitable products to meet your personal circumstances and requirements, though you are not obliged to take our advice or recommendation. Whichever lender we introduce you to, we will typically receive commission from them after completion of the transaction. The amount of commission we receive will normally be a fixed percentage of the amount you borrow from the lender. Commission paid to us may vary in amount depending on the lender and product. The lenders we work with pay commission at different rates. However, the amount of commission that we receive from a lender does not have an effect on the amount that you pay to that lender under your credit agreement. 

Complaints Process

It is our intention to provide you with a high level of customer service at all times. If there is an occasion when we do not meet these standards and you wish to register a complaint, please write to: Compliance Department; Bush Property Ltd, Crofton Heights, 71, Crofton Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 8H, or call: 01689 850292. If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service

Bush Property Ltd is a Privately Owned Family Company. Reg: 06857600

The FCA does not regulate the forms of Business Commercial Mortgages to Limited Companies.